[pct-l] Food

Nathan Dreon ndreon at yahoo.com
Thu May 28 10:48:54 CDT 2020

Thank you all for the many good ideas and encouragement.
Couscous is cooked pasta.  Minute Rice is parboiled.  Folks eat these after soaking with good results.The Knorr Rice Sides is parboiled rice and pasta, I don’t know that the pasta is cooked, think it is not.  Sometimes cooking makes indigestible things digestible and is important.  So I don’t know if the pasta part is ok to eat.  I was hoping there was a body of experience out there I might tap.  I can make my own and leave the pasta out but it sure would be convenient to have these Knorr packets for food.  I ate on after soaking a couple days ago, no obvious problems but no way to know if I extracted all the calories.
Are small pieces of soaked raw pasta digestible?

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