[pct-l] Trevor’s Eternal Trail

Paint YW paintyourwagonhikes at gmail.com
Sun Apr 12 21:51:38 CDT 2020

First, I want to acknowledge the tremendous loss of a human life, perishing
off the side of Mt San Jacinto, and the poignant tribute that the hiker's
father fearlessly composed and bravely shared with the hiking community. I
cannot begin to grasp the depth of sorrow the parents of this young man
must be feeling. In one moment, your loved one is pursuing the dream of a
lifetime, and in the next moment, they are forever transformed into the
absolutely unwanted realm of eternal memories. Other words escape me...

That this young man would not perish in vein, perhaps the hiking community
could give others a better chance to live by warning them of the perils in
unpreparedness up in the big mountains?

I wondered if attributing to- Trevor's life well lived, a cautionary yet
honorary reminder, aimed at those hiking into the big mountains, that might
be learned, by educating them with a proactive slogan.

Something like: Trevor's Law, or Trevor's Tip.

Which might read- "It is better to have your mountaineering gear, and not
use it, than to need your mountaineering gear, and not have it."

Folks, I went to the Riverside Mountain Rescue Unit's website, and reviewed
all 19 rescues off of Mt. San Jacinto, to date, this year, and the recovery
of Trevor's body, wasn't the only technical rescue / recovery mission
conducted involving PCT hikers specifically.

Riverside Mountain Rescue Unit, A California Search and Rescue Team


MISSIONS 2020-019


PCT Hikers Apache Peak (Trevor's recovery)


Almost every hiker rescued, lacked traction devices and ice axes! This is
already happening in February, March and April ! One hiker injured their
hip, but could not walk out, as reported, on their own. It turns out that
they could self ambulate. The fall that injured them, also broke their
phone, which was the only navigation device in hand. The hiker was then, in
essence, lost- and unable, or unwilling to extract themselves.

This lack of self sufficiency, is repeating itself, over, and over, and
over. The hikers are treating the rescue teams like Uber or Lyft drivers.

None of this has anything to do with the COVID 19 outbreak, by the way.
Just hikers stumbling about on top of a big mountain.

They are called "the big mountains" because they are "big mountains" and
all that comes with recreating in the big mountains, is there for all to

Maybe... there needs to be a cautionary warning sign placed at the
trailhead parking lot at PCT mile marker # 152.

Something like:

Warning to all who enter!
These are big mountains.
Weather conditions can change in minutes.
Trail conditions can become treacherous and life threatening.
Mountaineering gear may become necessary to enter and exit safely.
Know your skill level and act accordingly.
You are responsible for your own well being.
You may be called upon to save someone else's life.
Are you prepared and equipped?
Enter at your own risk.

Me, to you, the reader- >>> Long time no see / no talk.. to the good hiking
folks here at the PCT-L.

All the best-

Paint YW


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