[pct-l] South Washington PCT Questions

Garrett gar1138 at yahoo.com
Tue May 2 11:56:19 CDT 2017

Hello, long time reader, first time poster. :-)  I completed the Oregon PCT in sections over the last two summers.  This summer (2017) I plan to hike from Cascade Locks to Snoqualmie Pass in roughly the first two weeks of August.  After researching a bunch, I have a few quick questions:

1.  Any thoughts on snow or mosquitos?  I'm hoping that the heavy winter snow this year won't be much of an issue then.

2.  I will be resupplying and spending a night in Trout Lake (I hear nothing but good things about Trout Lake).  How difficult is it to hitch a ride into town from the trail (and back the next day)?  Most accounts say it is fairly easy, but having never hitch-hiked before it does give me slight pause.

3.  Are there any difficult stream crossings or fords that I will need to be aware of?

Much appreciated, thanks.


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