[pct-l] [John Muir Trail] Snow levels

ned at mountaineducation.org ned at mountaineducation.org
Mon Jan 23 21:44:44 CST 2017

I think I saw that someone (or a few of you) has said this already, but I’ll chime in as well…


No ropes, please! In my SAR swiftwater training we used a tight high line, but it was stressed that even that angle of attatchment could hold you under in a swift and deep current. 


The key to safe creek crossings is “STOP”, Stop, Think, Observe, Plan! No hurries. Dump the pack and scout up and down the creek for a safer crossing spot (we teach our students what to look for and how to do this). Above most, you do not have to cross the creek where the summer trail does! 


Ned Tibbits, Director

Mountain Education, Inc.

 <mailto:ned at mountaineducation.org> ned at mountaineducation.org 


From: johnmuirtrail at yahoogroups.com [mailto:johnmuirtrail at yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of charliepolecat
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2017 2:33 PM
To: johnmuirtrail at yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [John Muir Trail] Snow levels



I have little doubt that an attorney would say that if you did that and the rope broke sending a hiker into the river you would be held responsible. If the park service doesn't think it is worth doing, you shouldn't either.


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