[pct-l] Thruhiking 2017

Herb Stroh HStroh at sjmslaw.com
Fri Feb 10 10:17:06 CST 2017


I agree with Rover. Just start walking, change plans if/when necessary, and enjoy the adventure. Various strategies for flipping will arise based on conditions, and a non-continuous hike does not lessen your experience.

Heavy snow years need to be respected, but as others have commented proper equipment and training make the conditions manageable. It will take longer and you will work harder--but there nothing comparable to hiking the Sierra when it is dressed out in snow.

I agree with those that have cautioned the real risk in a big snow year is crossing water. Be prepared to spend significant time at raging rivers scouting out a safer option. Among all the techniques for crossing, I think the most important is site selection. At times it may take an hour or more of bush-whacking to find a place where the river fans out or downed trees create a feasible crossing. Come to the process with a mindset that you will allocate as much time as possible to identify a safe crossing, even if that means waiting it out until morning.

Patience, experience, and determination will get you there.


​Hi Ben,

I think you and your partner should live your dream. I'd definitely start out at Campo. Who knows what will happen along the way. The first 700 miles is a great way to build up experience on the PCT. If the Sierras prove too difficult then you can adjust your plans but I wouldn't plan on skipping at the start.


On Thu, Feb 9, 2017 at 7:33 AM, Ben Friedman <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__b.friedman86-40gmail.com&d=DQIGaQ&c=euGZstcaTDllvimEN8b7jXrwqOf-v5A_CdpgnVfiiMM&r=ouoU-5bWB1hGSQsVF7qHade7G0U6SKCUqXI8nbm_amI&m=XaqKdBllaCseDPTEbJIjmGqqoPBXO49tlaYMnWzZDqQ&s=krGLEqf0vMGOlTq4Cmmz25BuF3bxywbtyJXaFgNmyO0&e= > wrote:

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