[pct-l] PCT Washington in July

Lucky Man luckymanhikes at gmail.com
Tue Jun 7 06:16:28 CDT 2016

I had planned to hike the PCT from Donner Pass to Stevenson WA in late
summer and early fall but now for family reasons do not want to be away in
an area with poor airport access for that long. Now I'm planning to hike
the AT in New England and then the midAtlantic starting in late summer.
I'm wondering if it is feasible to fit in the Washington PCT in July or
mid-July to mid-August, or is there likely to be snow and a lot of
mosquitos then? I don't have a passport so would probably have to backtrack
from the border unless I can get an expedited passport.
 I live in Florida and am not used to hiking in snow although did ok on the
snow I encountered at Mount San Jacinto, Fuller Ridge etc on my recent PCT
SoCal hike. Mosquitos love me but I loathe them.

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