[pct-l] Dinsmore's 2015 PCT hiker slide show (Andrea Dinsmore)

Kit Ravensong kitravensong at hotmail.com
Thu Nov 12 09:50:27 CST 2015

What an amazing tribute to the firefighters. Thank you SO much Andrea! Their was deep grief in the valley with the tragedy of our firefighter's deaths. The firefighter who survived has had multiple surgeries for his burns and is in rehab preparing as best he can, to return to life in the community.

Neighbors here in the Methow Valley are supporting one another while they rebuild their homes. Many homes were saved but outbuildings, animals, both domestic and wildlife, are gone. 

The Stehekin Rangers did the best they could for PCTers and the fire up Agnes. Their first priority needed to be a few miles east of there on the largest fire ever recorded in Washington State. 

For those of you who did not finish this northernmost section of the PCT this year, due to the fire, come back someday. It is an amazing termination of the journey in the North Cascades!


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