[pct-l] Eric the Black Atlas

enyapjr at comcast.net enyapjr at comcast.net
Mon Mar 23 21:29:26 CDT 2015

You will easily find Canada with the 2nd edition PCT Atlas volumes - I agree with Miner & Bigfoot Jim that it has
some minor shortcomings due to its age (& his mileages differ some from Halfmile's & Postholer's maps) - but
the trail will be obvious where there have been a few relocations...
If you have a smartphone and will take it with you, you could also download additional maps & info as back-ups -
but with the amount of hikers this year, you could also share & compare other map sources (some groups in past
years had 3 or 4 different map sets & they found it valuable looking at all of them in some cases/situations)...
Go with the PCT Atlas you have and save the money for town food!!  ;-)

Happy trails!!!
Jim (PITA)

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