[pct-l] Pct-L Digest, Vol 90, Issue 25

bodonnell at alaska.net bodonnell at alaska.net
Tue Jun 30 18:01:50 CDT 2015

On Tue, 30 Jun 2015 12:00:02 -0500, pct-l-request at backcountry.net wrote:
Send Pct-L mailing list submissions to
> pct-l at backcountry.net
> Mosquito repellent recommendation. 

Consumer reports recently gave the new Sawyer Picardian bug dope a high 
I live in Alaska and wanted to give it a try because I don't like DEET. 
I have worked at both Katmai NP and the North Slope, where it's truely 
unbearable bugs. 
Blackflies are an issue too. 
I usually use a headnet and long sleeved clothes if it's bad.  Just do 
it to survive. 
We'll also use PIC coils and Buhach powder to burn as a smudge if 
sitting around. 
The battery operated citronella personal fans work ok, but are heavy 
and limited life span. 

The Sawyer product is FANTASTIC. Works really well and doesn't feel 
like your skin's absorbing carcinogens. 
Highly recommended from my field tests this summer. 
I don't have time to research picardian, but I'll take anything that 
works except DEET. 
There's also a similar product you can spray on clothes made by Repel 
that works. 
I finally feel like the industry has broken thru with these new products. 
Good luck with the mozzies. 
posted by Sweetbird. 

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