[pct-l] So, you're going on a hike...

DayLate07 . dthibaul07 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 29 21:27:15 CST 2015

Couple of other pieces of advice:

1) Remember its not the gear that gets you to Canada.

2) Unless you are a runner before hitting the trail your shoes are going to
be too small.

3) Advice I've never needed but thought was good is that if you are
thinking of quitting the trail
A) Don't make the decision in a trail town
B) If your decision is the same after 3 days then the leaving the trail if

Because I've met a couple of people that ended up quitting and then
regretted it.
You will have a few moments when you realize just how crazy what you are
doing is (particularly when you are cold, and tired) but these are
generally followed by moments when you realize just how right what you are
doing is.


> For those who are going to section or thru the PCT, here are some things
> that I either did, or wished in retrospect that I had done, to increase the
> odds that you will meet your goal.
> First, realize that there are some completely unprepared hikers who hike
> the entire trail, and that there are some veteran hikers who don't make
> their objective.  All in all, though, knowledge and preparation helps.  85%
> of trail drop-outs have nothing to do with their physical state.
> 1.  Before you depart on your long-distance PCT hike, hike some hikes with
> the gear you think is suitable for your PCT trip.  My personal #1 advantage
> was doing a 6-day trail hike in the mountains.  It showed me that my shoes,
> rain gear, sleeping bag, water purification method, and food were wrong,
> and that my pack, tent, socks, and navigation aids were keepers.  It also
> gave me an idea of how far I was comfortable hiking each day, at least at
> first.
> 2.  You will, at various times, be some combination of hot, cold, wet,
> filthy, hungry, thirsty, lonely, cranky, emotionally low, achy, blistered.
> You will seriously think that what you have done is crazy, or at least not
> worth the hassle.  If, however, you resolve to stay on the trail for 30
> days, you will a) be Ironman regardless of the shape you started in, b)
> have experienced the wonder of this community of friends and shared
> surroundings, and c) know that the world doesn't revolve around your hike,
> and that is a real feeling of freedom.
> 3.  Most hikers start solo, but no one hikes along for the whole trail
> unless they choose to.  You will get to intimately know about 50 hikers,
> those who pass you and then you encounter later, and vice versa.  They will
> know you and care about you, and vice versa.  And not to worry, you won't
> get lost, and you'll get those rides into town that you're worried about.
> 4.  Nothing can prepare you for the beauty, the wonder, the belonging.
> Chipmunk

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