[pct-l] FYI - Hiker Heaven closing
Brick Robbins
brick at brickrobbins.com
Sun Jan 25 11:51:04 CST 2015
The Facebook Thread in question started about Ned's participation in
the ADZ, then diverged into ADZ stuff in general.
Instead of you having to read the hundreds of posts (which you should
do if you care) I've excerpted some of the pertinent ones about Hiker
Haven. and pasted them below, from which I think one might get an idea
of what happened. You can read it and decide if Yogi's Nastygram is
the reason that Donna is closing. I'm pretty sure it is.
I can understand Donna''s reaction. Over the years I have had some
really ugly interactions with Yogi, and many of my good trail friends
told me they have had similar experiences. It is enough to make a
person want to take their ball and go home.
If I were an organizer of The ADZ, having Yogi as my representative,
and using the word "WE" about the organization, would make me
It used to upset me, but now I just don't give a f*ck.
Thread 1 ==========
Donna L-Rod Saufley
As the original boycotter of the ADZ, I was I was going to stay off of
this post because I am not an attendee, organizer, or supporter of the
KO (though I used to be), as many/most already know. But I have to
chime in and cry, "FOUL!" when the ADZPCTKO claims to promote Leave No
Trace ethics and principles, yet by its very existence flies in the
face of two tenets of LNT, under #1, Plan and Prepare: Schedule your
trip to avoid times of high use, Visit in small groups when possible.
Consider splitting larger groups into smaller groups. The KO is
creating exactly the opposite of this, on purpose, despite complaints
from locations up the trail (including but not limited to Hiker
Heaven). If you really support Leave No Trace, you wouldn't be
inviting everyone hiking to attend a starting event. I love and
respect the event organizers, and I hope each of you know that I
respectfully disagree with you, but don't hold against anyone
personally. I have always thought the reunion and education event
should take place later in the season, further up the trail, in a
larger venue with better hiking opportunities. IMO, If people need
their hand held to start the trail, maybe they shouldn't be out there
in the first place.
Jackie McDonnell
Donna L-Rod Saufley you provide great services for hikers, just like
the ADZPCTKO does. But over the years you have refused to recognize
that your place creates a HUGE bottleneck of hikers for the places
north of Agua Dulce. Your recent limiting of hikers to 2 nights has
helped a bit, but the problem still exists. Any place that caters to
hikers (thus grouping hikers together who would have otherwise been
spread out) creates a herd. THIS INCLUDES HIKER HEAVEN.
Jackie McDonnell
Donna L-Rod Saufley enjoys bashing the ADZPCTKO. We're used to it.
Donna L-Rod Saufley
Jenn, Katie, Ryan, and Jackie, I am sorry. You open yourselves up when
you say you promote Leave No Trace, yet defy its principles. That's
the truth, and there is no denying it. To the best of my knowledge, no
one has ever complained about Hiker Heaven causing anything upstream
except better prepared, rested hikers. There is the exception of my
wacky neighbor directly below us who has no problem with our hosting
but wigged out pre-emptively about Cuddle's cello concert becoming
Woodstock, which amounted to nothing despite every jurisdiction
conceivable coming out to see what was going on here, and having no
problem with it. I would like anyone north of us who have felt what we
do is a problem to speak up, or for you to educate me on what you have
heard or believe. There are HUGE differeces between hosting hikers and
the KO, in that there isn't a specific 4-DAY WEEKEND for EVERYONE to
be at my place, and we aren't billed as a starting event. This year we
will be open from April 1 to June 30 -- a three month window. So,
let's see; three months compared to four days. Last year, we actually
started taking hikers in March, before our posted opening. I have been
an outspoken advocate for hikers spreading themselves out, and changed
our rules and limits to encourage that, much to my own disappointment.
I will say that this is typical of the attitude received by KO
organizers, past and present, who claim to be sympathetic to what the
KO causes upstream, but continue to foist it upon us regardless. We
out here have had to deal with effects from the KO, whether we like it
or not for years, and we get the hand (or in this case a pointing
finger). This is fundamentally the reason why I wanted nothing to do
with the event. I do heartily agree on one thing though: there is
kindness and goodness at the heart of what is being done by everyone
for the KO. The love is good. It would be just as good in Lone Pine,
Bishop, or Mammoth (or such), in June like Trails' Days is in
Damascus. The hikers will want Sierra information and education. It's
a great central location, with larger venues, world class hiking. But
most importantly it wouldn't cause problems for the small towns and
angels in Southern California. But for thinking this and saying it out
loud I get vilified and insulted.
Jackie McDonnell
Donna L-Rod Saufley your constant whining about the Kick Off tarnishes
your good image. You seem to think it's okay to bash the Kick Off at
every opportunity, but as soon as we respond, we're the bad guys. This
is one of many reasons why I did not stay with you on my last hike,
and why I won't stay with you next time. Good luck with your pity
party. Peace out.
Donna L-Rod Saufley
It's not about pity. It's about doing the right thing, and
accountability. About being honest, and considerate of others. If you
get your heart-warming high of reunion and gathering, but it causes
issues for others upstream, how honest and considerate is that? If I
am causing a problem for people upstream, I will quit. Simple as that.
So if what Jackie is saying is true, and I have been oblivious all
these years, Hiker Heaven should not be here, causing a bigger
problem. As someone who stands by my principles, I take this to heart
and am going to put this to serious consideration.
Thread 2 ========
Donna L-Rod Saufley
This is a sad day for Hiker Heaven. It has come to our attention from
a respected source that our existence as trail hosts is causing a
bottleneck on the trail, and problems for hosts and towns upstream of
us. This is something that we take quite seriously, especially in
light of the ever-growing popularity of the trail and increasing
numbers. We have always sought to be part of a solution, not cause
anyone a problem of any kind. We tried as much as possible through
every means to not impact others, only asking the same in return, but
alas. We regretfully announce that Hiker Heaven is henceforth closed
and will no longer host hikers (except for Trauma and Pepper who I
already told okay). A lot of people have gone to a lot of effort to
make this place run (more on that later), and I really can't ask them
to continue if it contributes to issues on the trail. That would be
against my principles, without which I am not who I am. I know that
Jeff and my family will find this decision to be a great relief, and I
look forward to spending the time instead with my new grandson,
horses, and bikes. It's been a grand 18 years, and changed my life. I
thank you all for the gift of your friendship, and letting us be a
part of your adventure. I will be taking our website down, and
recommend hikers send their boxes to Acton Post Office, which is where
I will forward any boxes received. You can camp at the Acton KOA ($15
per night). Wishing you all the best.
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