[pct-l] Does foot size increase on long hike...and how much?

Brian Watt bwatt at 1fifoto.com
Sat Jan 3 10:15:57 CST 2015

I typically wear size 8.5 mens off trail, and for my thru-hike this year 
I found size 9.5 mens to be more comfortable. I used Brooks Cascadia v8 
& v9 trail runners. I found the 8.5 ones caused my toe nails to rub 
uncomfortably on the top front of the shoe. I wanted them loose in the 
toe-box  to reduce blisters. I also wore Injinji toe socks to reduce 
between-toe blisters. [I tried regular socks only once on trail and that 
day got a blister between my big toe and first toe, so I developed a 
superstitious ritual to always wear toe socks. YMMV] However, I did get 
blisters regardless sometimes on the outside of my left & right heel. 
The first time I got a blister I was heading into Big Bear City (mile 
266) and the next was outside of Belden (mile 1289). These typically 
were small, lasted two weeks, didn't bother me that much, that is, they 
didn't slow me down (Note: I was already a slow hiker - ha!), so in 
general I was blister free.
Brian "Tartan" Watt
P.S. Note: I don't especially recommend the Brooks Cascadia v9 trail 
runners. I found that they wore out (got holes in the top of the toe 
box) from the repeated flexing that come with hiking 20 miles per day. 
See: http://www.1fifoto.com/hiking/?p=847 for a picture.

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