[pct-l] Cooking with canned gas

tsparks56 at aol.com tsparks56 at aol.com
Tue Mar 25 20:13:09 CDT 2014

I'm finishing up with my preparations to start hiking the PCT on April 22 and I have the small problem of not really knowing how many dinners I can cook with a small can (3.9oz.) and a large can (8 oz) of the canned Isopro gas. I have only used this fuel when alcohol stoves were banned and I didn't want to go stoveless during a hike, which means I have seldom used it.  Being that the information I have shows a 632 mile stretch of trail between Tahoe and Ashland not having this fuel available, I need to get a rough idea of how much fuel I need supplied, to get me between these points. I will only be heating water and for my dinners for the entire length of the trail and, after talking to my local Post Office, they say, "no problem" shipping these cans of gas using Standard Post, which ships only "ground" mail and also gave me instructions for labeling the boxes.  So, with that said, I would like to buy,box up the canisters and label them correctly for my wife, before I start the hike, to shipped while I'm on the trail.   

If you could give a rough idea of how long each of these canisters will last from your experience, taking 2 cups of 40* water on average,  to the boiling point, it would be very helpful to me and I'm sure to others as well.

Thank you,


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