[pct-l] Movie wild should bring out new hikers

Brian Gill pctpanama at aol.com
Fri Jul 11 16:57:25 CDT 2014

The new movie coming out wild should possibly put more hikers on the trail .  Definitely have mixed feelings about that but it's their to share!  Was told a few years back by officials at the kick off they prefer to keep everything extremely low-key and not have the word get out and be overran.. Lol. statement confused me a little bit as  during and shortly after watching interviews by LA Times,  National Geographic , etc etc and the list goes on and on and on ....   Lol.  Guess the words out now  lol.   Just need a snowcone machine down there and a couple circus clowns and I think we're ready to go!  Lol.  Warner Springs Monty make a good clown but just don't wear those dam  black speedo bike shorts , that's for the kids!   :).  Big smile! ..Lol.  Lol.  Let the attacks begin!  Lol. Lol.     My little diversion from the last  topics....  I'll take the hit!     Lol.   Panama 

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