[pct-l] Donna Saufley/Hiker Heaven Stance on Trail Angel Fundraising

dsaufley dsaufley at sprynet.com
Wed Jul 9 15:19:36 CDT 2014

I post quite infrequently on this list, but am doing so preemptively today.  A fellow named Eric B. Fuller has proposed creating a trail angel fundraising non-profit all over Facebook, and who knows where else.  Directly below is my response to Eric’s message.  Eric’s message is directly below mine.  He has posted this intent in emails and on Facebook.  I have posted my response to him everywhere I’ve found his posts.  I have also told Eric publicly that I will bring legal action to stop any attempt by him to leverage me or Hiker Heaven in his fund raising efforts.  So this is my way of getting word out there that Donna Lynn “L-Rod” Saufley, Floyd Jefferson Saufley, and Hiker Heaven do not endorse or support this fund raising attempt in any way.  I would greatly appreciate any information that would indicate that Mr. Fuller ever uses us (our names, images, or references) in any way in his campaign to legitimize his efforts.  Thank you.  


Donna “L-Rod” Saufley





Here’s my $.02:


I appreciate your enthusiasm, but frankly I don’t know who you are.  You came out of nowhere with a failed record attempt, and have spent more time promoting yourself and trying to develop a non-profit than you have on the trail or in the trail angel community. In fact, you’ve promoted yourself more on your failed attempt than actual successful record holders have about themselves.  This puts red flags on the field for me.  On your Facebook page you state “  Long Distance Speed Hiker <https://www.facebook.com/pages/Long-Distance-Speed-Hiker/274285892722994>  at Pacific Crest Trail <https://www.facebook.com/pages/Pacific-Crest-Trail/105616572804764>  and Chairman  <https://www.facebook.com/pages/Chairman-CEO/101256216649658> & CEO at Eric B. Fuller, Inc. <https://www.facebook.com/pages/Eric-B-Fuller-Inc/467010510064112> ”  None of this is credible in my opinion.  For me it takes time to build trust, and a reputation.  I cannot speak for others, but you have not earned this with me personally.


As far as I know, no one in the trail angel community is asking you to assist or promote them.  You should ask trail angels whether they want to be featured on your site or promoted by you. Other sites have provided this courtesy.  You did not ask me.  You seem to be seeking to legitimize your own non-profit attempts by leveraging the kindness of trail angels without their permission.  I do not give you permission to do that with me or Hiker Heaven.  You do not have the right to use what I do to build your own non-profit.  If others are okay with this, that is their business, but please leave me out of it until such time, if or when, I choose to be a part of it.


There are a host of reasons (pardon the pun) to NOT promote the needs of trail angels in broader audiences.  What we do can be very dicey when it comes to municipal and county authorities.  If we receive funds in the public eye, we may then be forced to account for the funding and pay taxes ourselves on it.  You can unleash a cascade of bureaucratic frustrations, and even get trail angels shut down (as has happened to Tom Figueroa in Kennedy Meadows).  Sorry, but no thanks.  


I really think you should channel your energy into supporting the PCTA.  They can really use people who want to do fund raising to support the trail and are structured to handle the accounting and accountability that comes along with receiving corporate donations.


Sorry to be a wet blanket on all your humble enthusiasm.


Donna Saufley



From: Eric Fuller [mailto:efuller at planhike.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2014 5:14 PM
To: 'sam white'
Cc: (removed)




Hi Sam!


This might be a lot for us all to take in.. so please read through this when you have the time and please pass it along to other concerned trail angels, hikers and any charitable minded nature lovers you know..


Thanks for including me in your email and inviting me to the meeting that took place today.

I apologize for not being able to attend.. Things have been a bit challenging since the car broke down when Kelli extracted me from Barrel Spring on what.. I think it was the 11th.. or 12th.. We just got the car back finally.. Just couldn’t respond quick enough to get up there today..


My heart is in this and I am excited that your looking at the websites I am developing for our community of hikers to use as tools in the planning of their hikes and then during the actual hikes themselves..


I am humbled that Whitney La Ruffa with ALDHA-West contacted me and asked if it’s ok for them to feature a link to www.TrailAngelList.org “since you have a nice clean and concise list for people to use”


I am humbled that the PCTA.org site has sent numerous referrals to each of the sites and even featured my sar story in their twitter account..


I am humbled that many trail angels have contacted me to be added to the trail angel list already.. I feel that I have barely touched the tip of the iceberg though.. and that’s just for the PCT.. not to mention other trails around the world..


I love to showcase folks like Tom Kennedy over there on the AT who works for that hike for mental illness non profit..

I love to bring awareness.


I am humbled that Tortoise has taken an interest in what I am doing and that Jason Moores reached out to me with some great ideas!

I still owe Jason a response actually.. Maybe one of you can forward this email to him?


In response to Jason, I feel a great desire to help others gain awareness and build market share.. What I feel Jason and the Wolverines’s are doing is wonderful and amazing work and I do not want to take anything away from that whatsoever. My dreams are not to monopolize fundraising nor become a banker for the other fund raising events.. but to help them build market share by sharing their links with our followers and promoting their banners and such in our blog and pages..


The plan is to build our own fund so that we can branch out to other area’s in life like big corporations that have earmarked green dollars which can only be captured through 501c3 organizations..  To Build it up to where the non-profit donations become tax deductible.. That is the golden ticket and in my humble opinion is what a non-profit should dream of being.. So the bottom line is that I am hoping to inspire people to get off the couch and I am attempting to build public awareness to the needs of trail angels, trail communities, and I certainly hope to inspire people to pick up after themselves and others..


And I would like for the non-profit to give back to other non-profits once it’s annual objectives are met thus paying it forward to the trail communities and other important humanitarian, green non profits, etc that could use some funds to continue their greatness..


All of this controlled by hopefully a tight group of concerned trail angels and hikers sitting on our boards and attending out meetings.


I am truly floored and humbled by this experience and feel that my work here is extremely important!

Lives are at stake out there and I’ve nearly died at least once that I’m aware of just from running out of water on the pacific crest trail..







I’m building trail angel list http://trailangellist.org <http://trailangellist.org/>  , a trail angel fund http://trailangelfund.org <http://trailangelfund.org/>  , a trail trash clean up network http://trailtrashcleanup.org <http://trailtrashcleanup.org/>  and I’m setting up a trail angel association to be the think tank and pool from which to draw the board of directors from for the non profit I’m going set up to manage the fundraising activities..


I’m not sure if any of this makes sense to you or if it all sounds outlandish or dreamish.. but I can tell you this.. I’m already building this slowly but surely!


If your interested in joining the non profit association as a charter member.. I’m setting it up very soon and will set it up so that anyone who joins in the first 90 days will be a charter member.. considering a $15 annual association dues.. “The Trail Angel Association”

I’m preparing the organizational documents as you read this and will display them online once executed and filed over the next couple of days.


I am hoping that it will become an important association for trail angels, hikers and green humanitarian like people to want to join..  Because they see that great works that we do and want to be a part of it!


All fundraising activities are to be documented and made transparent and online so people can see their money in action and read up on the financials.


It will certainly grow faster with your help and support!


Please Consider Joining My Wife, Children and I in furthering these efforts!


I don’t want to control this!


My intentions are grow this butterfly with my own blood, sweat and tears and then set it free!


Thank You Kindly!


Eric B. Fuller (Hundy)


p.s.  I just posted this up for you Sam! http://trailtrashcleanup.org/2014/07/08/planning-a-litter-pickup-at-58cameron-trailhead-saturday-july-12-7-a-m/







here on the PCT-L because I have told Eric that if he utilizes me or Hiker Heaven in any way to promote proposed non-profit, I will take legal actions to stop him.  


Donna Saufley


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