[pct-l] "Business"

Andrea Dinsmore andrea at dinsmoreshikerhaven.com
Fri Jul 4 13:18:49 CDT 2014

I see a personal concern coming out of this "legal" or not legal
discussion. If trail angels are sucked into this and there is some lawyer
snooping around looking into the profit or non profit status......most home
trail angels are not in a "business" area and would end up being closed
down and handed a heavy fine for running a "business".  All we need is big
brother running our personal lives with the hikers. So you all need to make
a decision.......keep trying to get the "goods" on all of us that are not a
licensed business or a listed non profit........ it will get screwed up for
all the upcoming years for the hikers.  We home angels are no different
from the Mt. Education people. We also try and educate the hikers before
they go into the snowy mountains.  Keep screwing with them and it will
filter down to us. I know this is going to piss off some folks.......but
that's too damn bad.

Andrea Dinsmore

On Fri, Jul 4, 2014 at 10:37 AM, Brick Robbins <brick at brickrobbins.com>

> On Fri, Jul 4, 2014 at 3:37 AM, Jackie McDonnell <yogihikes at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Are the Trail Angels operating a business?  Probably, but I'm not sure.
>  In
> > my opinion, the Trail Angel situation is very similar to Ned's with two
> > obvious exceptions:
> One cannot use Websters Dictionary and common sense to answer these
> questions, because each jurisdiction has its own laws, regulations and
> case law that determines the answer.
> Regulators, lawyers and judges have certainly answered that question
> for EACH jurisdiction. One just needs to do the legal research to find
> the answer.
> That being said, I would expect Yogi to support her partner Matt, out
> of personal loyalty, so since we know what Matt thinks, we have pretty
> good idea of what Yogi will say. http://www.yogisbooks.com/new-page/
> This list isn't the forum for complex legal issues. I'm sure that if
> Matt, or anyone else, is sufficiently outraged, a complaint has been,
> or will be filed with the appropriate agency(ies).
> All I see now is an attempt by Yogi and Matt to damage Mountain
> Educations reputation and business.
> Once again, this horse is dead. Lets stop beating it.
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