[pct-l] storing food?

Jake Handy jakers329 at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 26 17:31:31 CST 2014

Im attempting my first thru-hike of the PCT this year and I'm a little confused.  I'll admit this may seem like a silly question, but where do people store their food at night?  I've read the popular guidebooks (ie. Yogi's, Jardine, etc) and while they make vague references to bear-proofing ones food by hanging it they don't go into much detail.  I'm assuming hikers are just keeping their food with/near them in their tent/shelter..?
And if so, is the case the same for food in a bear-cannister in the Sierra's?  I'm assuming that this is the method and that the authors of these books just don't want to specifically recommend doing that.  Any help would be appreciated!

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