[pct-l] When you're a shark you're a shark, and when you're a jet, you're a jet...

Paint Your Wagon n801yz at hotmail.com
Thu Jan 23 17:47:03 CST 2014

And when you’re a jerk, you’re a jerk!

Hikin’ Jim, 
and... readers far and wide, 

Yes, my fellow countrymen, countrywomen, and world travellers; I, state your name- Paint Your Wagon, did the unthinkable.
I posted an ugly response that is now captured in cyber space for all time, and... quite frankly; I was a jerk. There, I said it. 
Humble pie, or a sour plate of crow, is best served up cold. Yuck!

I, state your name- Paint Your Wagon, do hereby apologize for my belligerent, brusque, bellicose, gruff, full of self, rude, embarrassing post. 
Hey, it’s a little dramatic, but conscience gnawing gets mighty uncomfortable if it’s not addressed sooner or later.

When I get out of the time out box, I will do better. 



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