[pct-l] This Year's Going to Be Awesome! Woo!

Barry Teschlog tokencivilian at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 23 14:24:21 CST 2014

Mike / PE wrote:
It just seems like the list has
been overwhelmed the past couple of weeks with dire predictions and grim


Hopefully the soon to be thru's and others don't take it that way.  The 2 cents I throw out is not so much of a "dire prediction" as "here's how I'd do things this year, given the conditions that are out there, based on the experience of having been there, done that before".  

IF it turns out dry, one strategy to keep in mind is night hiking the hotter, dryer sections.  The water use efficiency of making miles in the dark is WAY higher than in the daytime.  Try and hike to the next water and hole up there during the day.  You'll need to be on the ball in regards to your navigation and situational awareness so as to not miss junctions, turns, signs, etc.  If you've never night hiked before, I highly recommend it as part of your pre-thru training.

Again, I'd strongly advise folks to keep you schedule flexible and time you start as early as the snow conditions in the Sierra allow (e.g. work backwards from your desired KM date, given the snow conditions, to your start date, taking into consideration Fuller Ridge).  Constantly be figuring this in your mind as late March and on into April approach.

If it starts dumping, hey great, let that flexibility come into play - kick back at home for a little bit longer such that the Sierra will have melted out to your liking by the time you get there.  If it stays dry / low snow - hit the trail upwards of a month before the KO and don't look back.

IMO.  YMMV.  HYOH.  2 cents. Yadda, yadda, yadda.

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