[pct-l] You still haven't accepted methowskye at gmail.com's friend

Paint Your Wagon n801yz at hotmail.com
Thu Jan 9 22:09:58 CST 2014

Folks around these parts are a pretty particular bunch... and may not want to dance on Facebook. 

Just ask a question, or state your business right here on the list serve, and let the chips fall where they may. 

Stick to hiking topics and all things PCT, and you will be amazed, no, astounded, by both the know nothings, 

AND- the know it alls, because, we are after all, pretty much just like you. Well, maybe, we are just like you? 

Guessing: folks aren’t hankering to friend someone that they don’t even know. What would you like to know about hiking? 

Ask, and you shall receive. They call me Paint; Paint Your Wagon. How may I be of service? 

By the way-  I’ll be a junior in hiking school this year. You?

Gotta’ dream boy, gotta song, paint your wagon and come along.  

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