[pct-l] closures in CA Section D-E-F

Dan Welch welchenergy at gmail.com
Mon Feb 24 07:36:14 CST 2014

The closure at 479 is the Powerhouse fire and it is documented on the PCTA
site relatively well with a couple alternate routes.

I haven't seen anything on the closure you're talking about at 357.  That is
around Baden Powell. Anyone know of anything that’s going on there?

There is also the Endangered Species Detour starting at Mile 386.  It is
well documented on Halfmile's maps.  Because this detour is expected to be
in place for many years, he designates this route with the red trace that is
used for the official PCT route.  (His alternates are in purple.)  This is
more or less the "official" PCT now. It adds about 12.5 miles to the trail
mileage.  (Trail statisticians take note - these 12.5 miles are not included
in the oft-quoted distance for the length of the PCT!)  More importantly, if
you're planning your food drops or purchases by the PCT mileage numbers,
understand that you have an extra 12.5 miles to provide for here.  

There is another alternate to know about at Mile 419.  This is due to Poodle
Dog Bush from the regrowth at the Station Fire site.  This is not an
official trail closure.  Based on information from other posters, I have
gathered that it is not bad from 419 (Mill Creek Ranger Station) to Mile
425.  From there on the poodle dog bush has been described as "horrendous"
and "impassable".  So a detour seems in order...  Unfortunately it looks
like that means a road walk of 4 to 6  miles to Messenger Flats around mile
430.  This is roughly the same distance as the trail, so no extra mileage

That's all I know about.

-----Original Message-----
From: pct-l-bounces at backcountry.net [mailto:pct-l-bounces at backcountry.net]
On Behalf Of CClark
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2014 10:57 PM
To: PCT-L Backcountry
Subject: [pct-l] closures in CA Section D-E-F

I have seen past discussions about trail closures from mile 357-364.5 and
from mile 479-518.  Are these closures still in place? What are the
suggested detours?
Are there any other closures currently in Section D-E-F?

I've looked on the PCTA site but can't find much information on them.  Maybe
I'm looking in the wrong place. 


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