[pct-l] PCT Elevation gain/loss Stats

Paint Your Wagon n801yz at hotmail.com
Sun Feb 23 21:48:22 CST 2014


Since Half Mile uses half mile increments,
why wouldn’t the GPS give data (gains and loses reconciled against each 
other) for each half mile,
and have the ability to keep cumulative data for the entire trail?

Put another way-
the GPS determines when a half mile has been reached;
whether the trail hiked was flat or vertical switchbacks,
so... there is bound to be some accountability as to gains and loses within 
that distance.
I would think that the sophistication of a current GPS is at least that 
One’s position from point A to point B would have to be determined by more 
than a one dimensional (as a crow flys) measurement/distance.

Let me try another example...
hiking a flat trail for a half mile,
versus scaling a ladder (theoretically) straight up-
that is also a half mile in length.
Now; portray the distance traveled, on a map using the GPS data.
First off, the starting point and ending point would be nearly on top of 
each other,
meaning the GPS took the elevation gain into consideration.

Climbing a vertical ladder 1/8 of a mile in height,
followed by a flat hike of 1/4 of a mile in length,
followed by a 45 degree descent,
would yield a different representation on a map,
as compared to the previous example.

Wouldn't the GPS keep track of all that?


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