[pct-l] BioOne Online Journals - Effects of an Electrolyte Additive on Hydration and Drinking Behavior During Wildfire Suppression

aslive at charter.net aslive at charter.net
Sun Feb 16 10:59:15 CST 2014

There is a problem with this study for backpackers, it was not long 
enough.  The study was done over a 15 hour period for men who had 
big-time support with them, regular meals, etc.  When you are out there 
hiking for days at a time and only drinking water, as a backpacker, you 
can end up flushing out your system.  There is a name for this, although 
I forget it at the moment.  It is very important on days-long treks to 
replace your electrolytes.


On Sun, Feb 16, 2014 at 3:30 AM, walt Durling wrote:

> Hello All. I've been seeing questions about electrolyte additives.  I 
> thought this short article might be interesting.  Keystone
> http://www.bioone.org/doi/abs/10.1580/07-WEME-OR-114.1?journalCode=weme
> Sent from my iPad
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