[pct-l] Feet

Reinhold Metzger reinholdmetzger at cox.net
Tue Feb 11 16:09:54 CST 2014

[pct-l] Feet

I have those kind of callouses allover my feet, even the toes.
The good thing about those callouses, they are tougher than
regular skin and don't blister as easy.
I don't ever get blisters on my feet.
You could use extra thick moleskin and cut out the center of the
moleskin under the thick callous, to take the pressure of the thick
callous, and put the moleskin on your foot or on your insert.
You could also reduce the thickness of your insert under the thick
callous to relief the pressure.
Or you could do like I do and periodically, whenever needed, cut
down the thick callous with a razor blade to relief pressure.
I don't shave on the trail, but always carry a razor blade for that
and other reason....they come in handy and weigh practically nothing.

JMT Reinhold
  Hello All, I have been developing a small callous on the ball of my left
foot, below the pinky and second toes, and it has been growing slowly over
the past 2 months.
Now it is a little uncomfortable when I walk, causing I
guess a pressure point. I attribute the start of it from a pair of work
boots I began wearing about 8 or 9 months ago.
I no longer wear the boots,but my question is, is there a way to remove
the callous?
I dont wan't it to get worse, but as it is now, it is uncomfortable.
Any advice or opinionswould be appreciated.
Thanks! Mark

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