[pct-l] Planning a Section Hike - Ziggy & The Bear to I-5

Sean Nordeen sean.nordeen at gmail.com
Thu Dec 18 19:09:56 CST 2014

*Depends on the year.  Just remember, Big Bear is a ski town (ie.
makes some big money from the locals skiing during winter) so there is
snow.  Last year, you wouldn't have seen any snow at all, in a big
snow year, you'll definitely be walking in snow.  Though snow travel
through there isn't as bad as Fuller Ridge where a slide can mean
death, so if you don't mind walking on some snow, you'll be fine.  The
hiking from Big Bear to the I-15 isn't very hard as it's flat or a
gentle downhill most of the way.  The climb up to Big Bear from the
I-10 is more challenging.  Water will be more abundant then a month
later, but it won't be a large difference since there is only a
limited number of water sources available.  The good news, if we have
another drought year like last year, by going early, you'll be less
likely to hit a source dried up as we had some water sources that I've
never seen dry out, do just that this summer.  Most thru-hikers start
hitting this section in late April with the main wave coming in early
May.  San Jacinto is far more challenging for snow.*


>* 1. Is this crazy talk, or might this be a good idea?
*> >* 2. I'm thinking, if this isn't crazy talk, that water might be more
*>* abundant at this earlier time of year, actually making the hike
*>* through this section somewhat easier.  Is that sound reasoning, or
*>* utter nonsense?
*> >* 3. Does anyone know what the snow cover along the trail in the Big
*>* Bear area might be like that early in the season?  I know San Jacinto
*>* would probably have significant snow at that time, but I was wondering
*>* if Big Bear somehow had a different weather pattern or likelihood of
*>* snow?  NOAA says that there won't be much snow at that time of year,
*>* but I was wondering if anyone had some personal experience they might
*>* like to offer?

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