[pct-l] Tahoe to Yosemite Photos

Herb Stroh HStroh at sjmslaw.com
Thu Dec 11 18:27:06 CST 2014

I wrote an article for a local trade association regarding my hike of the PCT from Tahoe to Yosemite. The publisher wants to run some photos with the piece, but the digital files from my point-and-shoot are too small to publish. I am looking for photos that are approximately 1 MB (800 -1,000 KB) per photo and 300 dpi shot along the PCT between Tahoe and Yosemite that you own. Aloha Lake, Senora Pass, Carson Pass, Meiss Cabin, or any landmarks of that section of trail would be delightful. The publisher promises to give you photo credit.

If you have photos of the requisite file size, please feel free to send to me offline. Be sure to identify where the photo was taken and how you would like the credit to read.


Herb Stroh  |  Partner
Sinsheimer Juhnke McIvor & Stroh, LLP
1010 Peach Street  |  PO Box 31  |  San Luis Obispo, CA  93406
P 805 541 2800  |  F 805 541 2802
HStroh at sjmslaw.com<mailto:HStroh at sjmslaw.com>   |  www.sjmslaw.com<http://www.sjmslaw.com/>

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