[pct-l] Freeze dried or dehydrated food?

S Z isz at me.com
Wed Aug 27 15:37:50 CDT 2014

Hi Cat,
Cookless or stoveless?

On my Sierra section hikes this summer I went stoveless with commercial dehydrated [vegan] food combined with added freeze dried vegetables.

I ran the food through the food processor so that it would rehydrate quicker / more easily, then baggied them up, a couple of meals to a bag, and added extra freeze dried Harmony House spinach, carrots, potatoes, chives, shallots and lentils. The freeze dried stuff I did not have to food-process to rehydrate. 

I carried a 16oz plastic container that I used for rehydrating; once we got to camp I put my dinner serving in the container, added water and olive oil, shook it up and let it sit while I put up my tent. I would be eating while everyone else was still cooking.

I selected spicy foods that were warming even though they were not hot.

> I plan to go cookless on my 2015 PCT adventure and want to load up on a
> variety of fruits and veggies in my resupply boxes. Unfortunately, I haven't
> really used either freeze-dried or dehydrated food much (other than raisins
> ­ they count, right?). Which is better for nutrition and the "mold free"
> factor ­ dehydrated or freeze-dried? How about taste? Do they all tend to
> taste the same after awhile or do they retain their original flavors? Thanks
> so much!
> Cat

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