[pct-l] Help for Harry
marmot marmot
marmotwestvanc at hotmail.com
Mon Apr 21 14:27:36 CDT 2014
I have left a few things on the trail and had other hikers either send them to me or bring them to me. Bandana ,rain poncho ---I am always thankful. I carried a hat for a few hundred miles and never caught the owner. There's a logger that ended up with my cookset from the hitch into Etna--that was a sad loss. Fell out of my pack and I was too tired to notice
I posted on PCT-l that I had the hat but hiker did not contact me. It's now going into the KO hiker box and get some more miles on the trail.I think leave packs alone. Carry out small stuff. Especially clothes cause small critters just chew them up. Marmot
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> On Apr 21, 2014, at 10:25 AM, "Scott Bryce" <sbryce at scottbryce.com> wrote:
>> On 4/21/2014 11:14 AM, Diane Soini wrote:
>> Billy Goat had his hiking poles stolen on the trail when he went to
>> use a bush.
> Which brings up a question about found things on the trail.
> Is it best to:
> 1) Assume the owner is nearby and leave them there?
> 2) assume they have been abandoned and take them, if you want them?
> 3) assume they are lost, and take them hoping to find the owner later?
> Does it depend on the item? A full backpack: the owner is nearby. A
> camera: the item was lost. A half-used bottle of sunscreen: the item was
> abandoned?
> If an item was lost, the owner may have discovered the loss and is going
> back to find the item. If you are carrying it, he may not find you. Or
> you may save him several miles of backtracking. Or the owner may be
> oblivious to his loss and making time 10 or more miles up the trail.
> Thoughts?
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