[pct-l] Hitchhiking hints

Bob Bankhead wandering_bob at comcast.net
Tue Sep 24 20:07:39 CDT 2013

Clean up (shave, comb your hair, wash/deodorize as much of you as you can,
change into your cleanest dirty shirt) before you try hitching. It is ok to
BE a deranged axe murder just so long as you do not LOOK like one.

A simple "Hiker to town" or "Hiker to trail" sign is a big help.

Pay close attention to the road. If possible, pick a hitching point where it
is easy for the driver to pull over and stop for you without risking getting
rear-ended or where the vehicle will be going slower than normal. Hitch at
the top of the hill or pass rather than down one side of it; avoid sharp
turns on narrow roads. Straight stretches with long open areas gives the
driver time to see you and decide if you look like an deranged axe murderer
or just more roadside hiker trash.

Hint: If flies leave fresh marmot poop to gather about you, find a creek and
jump in. Soak body and clothes for a long time. Dry off. Then try for the

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