[pct-l] Aftermath of the Chariot Fire near Mt Laguna

Ron Graybill rgraybill44 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 24 00:15:50 CDT 2013

Did a couple of day hikes northward from Mt Laguna this past weekend.  As
most of you know, the Chariot Fire burned 7000 acres in this area July 6-15
this year.  The PCT reaches the southern edge of the burn area at Mile 45
and you hike in the burned area for the next 5 miles continuously, then off
and on until well past the Pioneer Mail Picnic area at Mile 53.  It is
remarkable, though not unexpected, that almost all the shrubs and oaks are
sprouting new, healthy shoots, and one even finds wild flowers here and
there among the ashes. I'm no forestry expert, but it looks to me like the
pines suffered most.  Once you leave the burned areas you quickly notice
that almost anywhere along the trail, even where the brush is high and
healthy, dead branches protrude above the greenery, mute testimony to the
fact that fire is a frequent visitor to these dry mountain areas.
 Temperatures for this mid-September jaunt were right around 80 during the
day, with a light breeze.  Of course all the natural water sources were dry.

As noted on this forum earlier, most of the 116 cabins and other structures
at the Al Bahr Mount Laguna Shrine Camp were destroyed. Nearly all that was
left of the camp's 87-year old lodge was the stone fireplace and chimney. But
signs at the camp now declare their intention to rebuild. However, their
website has not been updated, and gives no hint that most of the buildings
pictured there are gone: http://www.albahrshrine.org/shrinecamp.html

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