[pct-l] New Wanna be Thru-hiker

marmot marmot marmotwestvanc at hotmail.com
Sun Sep 22 10:40:33 CDT 2013

After hiking the AT, I honestly changed my whole life. I found a career that allows me months off at a time. I went through a couple of false starts, then took 6 years off from long distance hiking to establish myself in what I had finally chosen. Once I understood that hiking would be my life,I organized. Except for hiking equipement, I never buy anything new--even hiking clothes I find in second hand stores. I live in a very cheap apt the size of a AT shelter. Every penny goes in a savings acct. for the next hike.Somewhere between 14 and 15 thousand miles later--I've lost count--I know I made the right choice. During "work" periods I put in 50-70 hour weeks. I try to make the light gear last a long time. I believer Cindy Ross has written about how she does it ,financially.I would not trade those months on the trail for anything.Marmot

> Date: Sun, 22 Sep 2013 08:02:15 -0700
> From: willowpayne at ymail.com
> To: Pct-L at backcountry.net
> Subject: [pct-l] New Wanna be Thru-hiker
> Hi Michele,
> I'm also planning to hike the PCT in 2014:)  For me, I'm fortunate to have a husband who is willing to stay home and take care of the home front while I make my dream a reality.  Blessed for sure I know and I'm not taking it for granted.  Everyone has their own creative way of making it a reality, some have sold EVERYTHING they own to hike the trail.  Others have put everything in storage, saved enough to pay minimum bills while hiking, and others have had help from family and friends.  I have wanted to hike this trail since 2005.  It has taken me that long to learn about it, save for it, and most of all get the right gear.  I have expensive gear, but checked almost daily for sales events and discounts and have saved a ton of money, yet still spent a ton of money.  The bottom line is if someone wants to do it, they will find a way.  
> Willow
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