[pct-l] Foreign Hiker - 2 questions

Stefanie Lischke s.lischke at yahoo.de
Fri Sep 6 02:58:08 CDT 2013

Hi everyone,

I´m from Germany and planning on doing the PCT next year. I´ve come across 2 major issues that I hope you can help me with....

1:   Since i will be travelling with a Visa I am wondering how the whole 'side trip to Canada' will work out. I don´t suppose there are border officials at the monument ;) So I won´t get my 'leaving-the-US-stamp' in my passport.... therefore I am worried what will happen when I re-enter the US via Vancouver-Seattle train ride. Does anyone have any experience with this or know someone who might?

2:   Since I´m planning on journaling during my hike (to let my family and friends know I´m doing okay) I was wondering which cell service to use. Is there a monthly plan that I can sign up for without an american social security number and that I can pay for 5 months in advance? Ideally it would have an internet flatrate and cheap international calling and texting rates....
Which company gets the best reception?

Okay, that was a lot, and I hope someone can help me. Looking forward to next year :)



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