[pct-l] Pct-L Digest, Vol 70, Issue 19
marmot marmot
marmotwestvanc at hotmail.com
Sat Oct 19 15:24:58 CDT 2013
Dear Penny,Thank you so much for clearly stating what has been happening to so many in this country. I was beginning to think that detachment from reality had become a national epidemic. Marmot
Date: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 11:43:54 -0700
> From: pmelko at ximatek.com
> To: pct-l at backcountry.net
> Subject: Re: [pct-l] Pct-L Digest, Vol 70, Issue 19
> 5. Re: Paying for SAR (Brick Robbins)
> Want to weigh in on some of the comments and specifically the analogy of
> feeding strays to feeding the poor and those without insurance. I work
> for my husband, a consumer bankruptcy attorney in Tehachapi. At least
> 50% of the bankruptcies are medical related. Did you know that if you
> get hurt on a trail like the PCT, and require a helicopter to fly you
> out that the cost of that ride is $48,000? We personally dropped our
> insurance when our monthly premium rose to $3800/mo for 2 people. Please
> tread carefully where the poor are concerned. We are all just a few
> paychecks from being on the streets ourselves.
> We had several generations of politicians who actually were capable of
> seeing poverty and who had, like Martin Luther King for his people, a
> dream of ending it.
> What we have now are politicians whose fetish is money, the most
> corrupting of all fetishes because it replaces all else as the focus of
> self-value in those individuals and by their policies in the society as
> a whole.
> When a society makes money the center of power it becomes the focal
> point, the determination of value. By that standard those who have money
> are good, and those who don’t aren’t and have no value. And those who
> have it, by the circular logic of those minds, got it all by themselves
> because they’re deserving with the help of no one and nothing else, or
> if with the help of “something else” because they’re good and deserving.
> And those in this world who don’t have money aren’t deserving. Those who
> are in poverty, by the judgment of this modern generation of
> Conservative politicians, deserve to be in poverty. They have no
> intention of “ending poverty.” They have every intention of enacting and
> enforcing policies that intensify the differences between our haves and
> our have nots by allowing those who have to have more which they will
> have by denying it to those who in their judgment just aren’t deserving.
> If they were deserving they’d have.
> Argument won. Welcome to the old deal previously known as The Gilded Age.
> Credit to John F. McBride, Seattle, WA
> Read more
> here:http://www.sacbee.com/2012/06/12/4554855/democrats-show-their-unwillingness.html#storylink=cpy
> Penny Melko
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