[pct-l] Backpacking N CA in July

Deems losthiker at sisqtel.net
Fri Nov 22 17:33:05 CST 2013

In only extreme snow years up here would you find "too much" snow for most 
hikers.  I consider July 4th the snow free window for the I-5 to I-5 PCT 
section. You may find an occasional snow slope on north faces, but by July 
the PCT up here is ready to go for most hikers.  If the winter changes 
towards heavy March snows and a cold spring, I'll provide updates. I'm 
retiring, so I'll have more time to explore my backyard freely!
My wife and I will be heading SOBO on the PCT next summer, starting near
Ashland OR and hopefully ending at Kennedy Meadows. Our proposed dates are
July 15 to Oct 1. Now that July start date is flexible for us and I'd like
to leave closer to July 7 but I am worried about snow levels. We are
looking for some advice. I understand that snow levels can be drastically
different from year to year, but I am wondering if there is some generally
accepted guideline (i.e., don't plan to head north from Kennedy meadows
before June 15th, etc..) for the trail in N CA.

I was told the portion I most need to be concerned about was from Castle
Crags north. 

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