[pct-l] Bear deterrent...Good News & Bad News

Reinhold Metzger reinholdmetzger at cox.net
Tue Nov 12 16:40:04 CST 2013

[pct-l] Pee as bear deterrent?

This is wonderful news!!!
Now, when a bear invades our campsite, all we have to do is stand
on our feet,...unzip,...take aim,...point in the direction of the
bear,...pull the trigger,...and squirt the bear right between his
running lights....JUST  AS  SIMPLE  AS  THAT!!!

That is great news for the guys, but questionable news for the

I don't know if you guys now this or not, but girls are build a
little different than guys.

Girls will have a hard time squirting the bear between the eyes
while standing on their feet....the best the girls will be able
to do is squirt on the bears paws.
That may not deter the bear, it may just down right make him angry.
In order for the girls to squirt in the bear's eyes they may have
to do a head stand and squirt at the bear while standing on their

I think I will carry a camera from now on...this will be worth
capturing on film.

JMT Reinhold
Nathan wrote:

"Human urine as an animal deterrent?.....Another fallacy!"

Not so, pee actually will repel bears but it only works if you can
hit them in their eyes.

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