[pct-l] Sawyer Squeeze

Deems losthiker at sisqtel.net
Tue May 28 19:10:04 CDT 2013

I picked up a Sawyer this year.  I added a 3ft surgical tube from my old Pur 
Hiker to the outlet, and don't do much squeezing of the bag.  Place the bag 
on a stump or log, give a gentle pressure to the bag, and gravity will 
filter it in good time.  I also have found it fits all my old Platypus bags. 
I've found it most worthy to carry as a filter system.  I also carry a 
couple tiny bottles of AquaMira too as backup, and to clean out the Sawyer 
and Platypus bags.
How are most people using the Sawyer filtration system? I know there are a
lot of variations, and wanted to gather more info before making a final

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