[pct-l] advantages of section hiking: hypothermia on hat creek rim

Deems losthiker at sisqtel.net
Mon May 20 19:09:45 CDT 2013

Wow, this sounds just like my very cold and wet hike across the Hat Creek 
Rim over MemDay weekend 2008 with Kelly dog. I was hypothermic near the old 
lookout spot.  She's hiked the PCT across Oregon, Washington, and much of 
California,  She has well earned the Halfway PCT patch in her short 8yrs of 
adventures, each one designed for her. Section hiking has it's advantages 
for dog lovers.
If I had a dog, I could take him with me on the Hat Creek Rim this coming
weekend and both of us would be relatively comfortable compared to normal -
highs only 75 in Burney and 70 in Old Station, lows in the 30's.

Of course there's a downside - a chance of showers. Imagine, hypothermia on 
Hat Creek Rim.

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