[pct-l] Section D5/D6 Endangered Species Detour -- Trail and Water Report

Hikin' Jim hikin.jim at gmail.com
Thu May 16 13:43:49 CDT 2013

Yesterday, I went down from Islip Saddle to South Fork Campground.  This is
the first leg of the "Endangered Species Detour" in sections D5/D6.

*Water reports*:

   - Detour Mile 1.0+/-, Reed Spring.  Decent flow 5/15/2013.  Several
   filterable pools below the trail. (Hikin' Jim)
   - Detour Mile 4.6 - S Fork Big Rock Creek near campground.  Excellent
   flow 5/15/2013.  (Hikin' Jim)

*Trail report*:
The trail was in generally decent condition with a few loose gravel slides
over the trail.  All were relatively easy to pass over, but they made my
hiking partner really nervous.  Very few through hikers appear to be taking
the detour which does add about a day to the PCT.  There was grass growing
in the trail.  Most seem to prefer the road walk detour.  There's a good
shoulder on the road walk section, so the road walk is not particularly
dangerous.  S Fork campground has a reputation for drugs and crime.  We
experienced no problems, but there were a lot of broken glass, trash, and
beer bottles lying around.  If you do take the Endangered Species Detour,
you might not want to stay at S Fork Campground, particularly on a


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