[pct-l] How to Mojave

b j xthrow at yahoo.com
Wed May 15 15:24:35 CDT 2013

I've been offline for a while hiking Northbound and have not been tracking the PCT-L discussions so if this is duplicating, then pardons.  I'm at Mile 266 and have experienced heat under different conditions.  I have trouble with the heat -- it shuts me down and wears me out.  I'm not alone -- others are learning in their own ways how to manage the effects of heat.  

I'm thinking ahead a bit down the trail of the 40 miles (?) of the hot Mojave portion of the trail where I anticipate even more heat than what's hit me up till now and was wondering what others have done to make their passage through more enlivening, enduring, and possibly pleasurable?  What strategies do you use to manage the effects of heat?  Hydration tips? Cooling tips?  Umbrellas - love or hate?  Hiking schedule tips?  Particular places to hide in that section in the scorch of the midday sun?  Thank you all in advance for sharing your experiences - I may take a while to respond as I'm not always wired up on the trail.

-Rhiannon (now also trail-named Porsche)

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