[pct-l] PCT board game

Paul Mitchell paul at bluebrain.ca
Wed Jan 30 05:33:40 CST 2013

Howdy folks.


So, years back I schemed up a PCT board-game concept; I even got so far as
to design some of the elements.  I let it slide for a half-decade, but
lately I've been feeling a renewed passion for the idea and am planning now
to see it through.


Unlike traditional board games, this game doesn't pit player vs. player,
it's a quest to complete the trail, so it's a bit more like player(s) vs.
board.  As a player (hiker) you must balance budget/health/happiness while
pushing on to get to Canada before winter.  Luck plays its part, and my goal
in designing the game (other than to make it beautiful and fun) is to
balance those play-factors so that, just like a real PCT hike, getting all
the way to the end is a challenge; you may have to play the game multiple
times to finally achieve a successful through-hike.


It won't end up on game-store shelves with Settlers of Catan, it'll be too
much of a niche product, but us PCT lovers will dig it!  Since you're pretty
much the exclusive target audience, I thought I'd let you know it's in the
works and maybe include you a bit in the design process - though I have a
bunch of fun surprises in mind that I don't want to spoil.  :)


If anyone happens to be a mathematician, I could possibly use some help with
balancing the game design.

If anyone happens to be a fantastic artist, I could be interested in hiring
you to produce art for the game.  I'm a designer/artist by trade, and I have
an aesthetic style in mind for the game, but there will be a lot of art
involved and I won't have time to do it myself.  If you're interested or
know someone who might be, please let me know.



Paul - Potential 178

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