[pct-l] Anyone have experience with SPOT-2 satellite messengers? Any alternative options?

Dan Jacobs youroldpaldan at gmail.com
Tue Jan 22 14:33:19 CST 2013

On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 12:16 PM, Kathi <pogo at pctwalker.com> wrote:
> Others on this list have suggested that you
> always push the I'm Ok a few times about 15 minutes apart in those
> areas,...
> Puddles

According to how I understand the units to work, this will not help
get a signal through. While in tracking mode, it sends out a few
transmissions, and then waits for the "get GPS position, send location
message" cycle to begin again. Pushing the OK button in this cycle
starts a "get GPS position, send OK message" cycle that sends the
location message for about ten minutes, and then tracking starts
again. Nothing special happens that helps get the messages through
other than repetition of sensing the messages for a longer duration of
time. Repetition won't help get the messages through until there is
enough open sky between you and the satellite. There are other factors
that are really geeky that need to be considered also, but I'm sure
this reply is long enough already ;-)

Without knowing where the satellites are in the sky in relationship to
your location and what barriers there may be to getting the weak
signal from the SPOT units to the satellites, the only way to help the
messages get through is to seek the largest swath of open sky you can
find within reason.

Dan Jacobs
"Loud motorcycle stereos save lives"
Motorcycle to hike, hike to motorcycle

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