[pct-l] Pct-L Digest, Vol 61, Issue 14
Dale P
pbprider at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 12 12:34:54 CST 2013
check out message one in this post. I recall many of the photos, love and miss you!!!
Dale P
From: "pct-l-request at backcountry.net" <pct-l-request at backcountry.net>
To: pct-l at backcountry.net
Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2013 1:00 PM
Subject: Pct-L Digest, Vol 61, Issue 14
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Today's Topics:
1. Tuna Helper's 2012 Speed Record Attempt Blog and Photos
(greg mushial)
2. Mount Hood Chapter Annual Meeting (Steve Queen)
3. PCT Thru Hiker presentation (North 350 Blades)
4. Tuna Helper's 2012 Speed Record Attempt Blog and Photos
(Reinhold Metzger)
5. Re: Sawyer Squeeze water filtration system (branko grujcic)
6. Halfmile map email list (Grady Clawson)
7. Re: Sawyer Squeeze water filtration system (Sir Mixalot)
8. Re: Sawyer Squeeze water filtration system (branko grujcic)
9. Re: Pemmican (Diane Soini of Santa Barbara Hikes)
10. Tuna Helper's post regarding his 2012 record attempt
(Paint Your Wagon)
Message: 1
Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2013 10:01:45 -0800
From: "greg mushial" <gmushial at gmdr.com>
Subject: [pct-l] Tuna Helper's 2012 Speed Record Attempt Blog and
To: <pct-l at backcountry.net>
Message-ID: <5BBBFED5555C42519592C9EA084B702E at gigasmiles>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";
> Message: 9
> Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2013 15:02:22 -0700
> From: Ryan Weidert <ryan.weidert at gmail.com>
> Subject: [pct-l] Tuna Helper's 2012 Speed Record Attempt Blog and
> Photos
> To: pct-l at backcountry.net
> Message-ID:
> <CA+=-jA3TvtwPeMfe_XsU_Ui8b2PJydz107Z_kJJpGmJWWdu8xQ at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Hello All,
> It's been 6 months now since I got off trail near Crater Lake,
> but I've finally wrapped up all my PCT stuff from the hike last year.
> I managed 1864 miles in 42.5 days, and set new PCT Midpoint and
> California records, but the entire trail record still alluded me. On
> my attempt I took a great many photos and also kept an audio trail
> journal for every day. Because of this, and the nature of the hike I
> did, I wanted to share it with those who might be interested in such
> things. Thus, I created a trail journal style blog, where you can read
> the journal and or listen to the actual audio recording. Also
> available on the page are links to my full 500 photo PCT 2012 album, a
> link to download all of the audio journals, a like to download all of
> my GPS tracks and campsite waypoints and a variety of other related
> documents. It's been a while in the making and I'm happy it's almost
> done! Who knows if I'll attempt it again, but I know now that it is
> quite possible to exceed your own goals and nothing is out of reach!
> The First Post (use the right side dates/Posts to navigate through the
> site)
> http://www.pctspeed.blogspot.com/2012_10_01_archive.html
> 2012 Complete Photo Album
> https://plus.google.com/photos/113529152827233483970/albums/5804036552665873505
> GPS Tracks and Waypoints Download
> https://docs.google.com/folder/d/0By2m6B0qS-XOSWdkOU1WVzRLOW8/edit
> PCT Documents - Gear List, Split times, Daily Mileage Log etc.
> https://docs.google.com/folder/d/0By2m6B0qS-XObGs3WUFFUDh5TWc/edit
> The last post will go up today at 6:00pm MT, it's what my feet looked
> like 2 weeks after I got off trail. Yeah, you don't want your feet to
> look like that!
> If you find a link that doesn't work or a different problem, please
> let me know and I'll try and fit it!
> Hope you'll enjoy and share with others.
> Cheers,
> Ryan "Tuna Helper" Weidert.
Many thanks for the post. Especially enjoyed the photos and your sense of
photography. To manage a 44 mile/day average you had to start off flying,
ie, not like most with 12 mile days, ie, you were in shape. My question is:
how did you train or more importantly decide that you were in shape to have
at it?
again, thanks for the post - TheDuck
Message: 2
Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2013 12:05:29 -0800
From: "Steve Queen" <steve at longtrails.com>
Subject: [pct-l] Mount Hood Chapter Annual Meeting
To: <pct-l at backcountry.net>
Message-ID: <00c401cdf037$01282c90$037885b0$@com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Saturday February 2nd 12:30 - 3:00pm
Gifford Pinchot National Forest Headquarters
10600 N.E. 51st Circle
Vancouver, WA 98682
Over the years we have used the trails established by the U.S. Forest
Service here in the Pacific Northwest including our section of the Pacific
Crest National Scenic Trail. It is time to help as the funding decreases
each year for trail maintenance.
Join us this year as 2011 thru-hiker, "Wired," recounts her experiences
specifically along the 221 mile section that the Mt Hood Chapter maintains.
She will also expound on how hiking the 2,650 mile PCT inspired her to
become a trail maintenance crew member and the experiences she's had on
those crews. More information can be found on Wired's highly followed blog,
which includes a daily journal of her complete PCT thru hike during a record
high snow year. www.walkingwithwired.com
Message: 3
Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2013 11:53:09 -0800
From: North 350 Blades <north350blades at gmail.com>
Subject: [pct-l] PCT Thru Hiker presentation
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
<CAF9MgbXti5nhkkwkd0h5E8PHZ6_eDSGFB8R6Ct-G50niFjxUsQ at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
The Blades want to draw your attention to a 2012 Thru Hiker's presentation
of his hike:
It will be Tuesday January 15, 2013
World Wide Books
4411 Wallingford Ave North
Seattle at 7PM
The presenter is Robert Henry who is a member of the North350Blades.
In 2011 Robert helped us clear logs from the PCT near Pyramid Peak
Come on out and see what he has to say.
*Photo is of Yakima Pass turnpike*
Facebook : *North 350 Blades*
Message: 4
Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2013 12:27:01 -0800
From: Reinhold Metzger <reinholdmetzger at cox.net>
Subject: [pct-l] Tuna Helper's 2012 Speed Record Attempt Blog and
To: pct-l at backcountry.net, ryan.weidert at gmail.com, "Hiker97 at aol.com"
<Hiker97 at aol.com>, Deems <losthiker at sisqtel.net>, Edward Anderson
<mendoridered at yahoo.com>, joseph kisner <lostonthecrest at hotmail.com>,
Monte Dodge <madmonte53 at gmail.com>
Message-ID: <50F07595.5060301 at cox.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
[pct-l] Tuna Helper's 2012 Speed Record Attempt Blog and Photos Hey Ryan,
Congrats on your outstanding accomplishment and thanks for sharing
it....I will forward
this to Scott Williamson.
I remember your hike very well and followed it with great enthusiasm.
Scott Williamson, my friend and hero, as you already know also was
attempting to lower
his prior record in 2012.
Yes 2012 was an exiting year...you blazing north and Scott blazing south
at record
breaking speeds....things just don't get more exiting than that.
Unfortunately both of you had to abandon your record attempts before
reaching the
borders.....you after 42.5 days and Scott in Oregon after 13 days due to
all the forest
But,....there is always next year, and the fire keeps on burning.
I know after 13 PCT hikes (16 counting section hikes) Scott's fire is
still burning and the
undeniable, unquestionable, indisputable "King of the PCT" is already
dreaming about
another attempt.
I understand Scott's obsession with the PCT.....I have a similar
obsession with the JMT.
People ask me..."Why do you hike the the JMT so much"?
I answer....."The JMT is like a beautiful women....and once
bitten,...forever hooked.
Scott has the same problem....he got bitten by that beautiful PCT lady.
Scott and I are not the only ones.....I suspect many members on this
list have the same
I don't know what it is about speed hiking that makes speed fanatics
push their bodies
to the limit and endure suffering and pain in quest of elusive records.
Some folks say it's....."CRAZY!!!!
I say.....There is something to be said about setting "High Goals" and
then pushing your
body to the extreme to accomplish those goals.
Besides,....the suffering and pain soon will be forgotten,....but the
the memories,....they will last a lifetime.
I like the way Brian Robinson Robinson puts it.....Brian once told
me......."Reinhold, some
folks don't understand us,...they just don't understand the crazy things
we do,...but we crazy
ones,....we understand each other."
So you see Ryan,....I understand you,... however, some folks don't
understand you.
But we crazy ones, and there are many on this list, we understand you.
BTW....I understand Switchback's fire is still burning and he is
dreaming about some kind
of UL "unsupported without resupplies" PCT record attempt.
He claims he has the pre-stocked calories to do it.
JMT Reinhold
Your crazy trail companion
Hello All,
It's been 6 months now since I got off trail near Crater Lake,
but I've finally wrapped up all my PCT stuff from the hike last year.
I managed 1864 miles in 42.5 days, and set new PCT Midpoint and
California records, but the entire trail record still alluded me. On
my attempt I took a great many photos and also kept an audio trail
journal for every day. Because of this, and the nature of the hike I
did, I wanted to share it with those who might be interested in such
things. Thus, I created a trail journal style blog, where you can read
the journal and or listen to the actual audio recording. Also
available on the page are links to my full 500 photo PCT 2012 album, a
link to download all of the audio journals, a like to download all of
my GPS tracks and campsite waypoints and a variety of other related
documents. It's been a while in the making and I'm happy it's almost
done! Who knows if I'll attempt it again, but I know now that it is
quite possible to exceed your own goals and nothing is out of reach!
The First Post (use the right side dates/Posts to navigate through the site)
2012 Complete Photo Album
GPS Tracks and Waypoints Download
PCT Documents - Gear List, Split times, Daily Mileage Log etc.
The last post will go up today at 6:00pm MT, it's what my feet looked
like 2 weeks after I got off trail. Yeah, you don't want your feet to
look like that!
If you find a link that doesn't work or a different problem, please
let me know and I'll try and fit it!
Hope you'll enjoy and share with others.
Ryan "Tuna Helper" Weidert.
Message: 5
Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2013 13:44:34 -0800 (PST)
From: branko grujcic <xo4xx at yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [pct-l] Sawyer Squeeze water filtration system
To: Andre Stock <andre_stock at web.de>, "pct-l at backcountry.net"
<pct-l at backcountry.net>
<1357940674.56968.YahooMailNeo at web162406.mail.bf1.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
I started my '12 thruhike with this system but sent it back from Big Bear. What bothered me more than weight over chemicals and cheapo leaking bottles was the time lost. It would take me about 15minutes per water intake to unpack, do the filtration and pack. That's more than an hour/day or 5 full days/thru hike. Filter also leaked non-expelled water over my stuff and, in my mind, the cross contamination was just the matter of time. I used Aquamira for the rest of the trail.
Message: 6
Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2013 14:12:47 -0800
From: Grady Clawson <gradydarling at hotmail.com>
Subject: [pct-l] Halfmile map email list
To: "pct-l at backcountry.net" <pct-l at backcountry.net>
Message-ID: <SNT138-W61532660A1B72F808E3774DD290 at phx.gbl>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
I have started an email contact list in an effort to try and stop cluttering up the pct-l. If you wish to join, simply drop me a line:
gradydarling at hotmail.com
and I will add you to the list as soon as possible. Thanks -Grady
Message: 7
Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2013 15:09:01 -0800
From: Sir Mixalot <atetuna at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [pct-l] Sawyer Squeeze water filtration system
To: branko grujcic <xo4xx at yahoo.com>
Cc: "pct-l at backcountry.net" <pct-l at backcountry.net>
<CAKhNvBUvpBy-3UO11B=3H=zcYTwC3Ykrma9wTxqSA-19Z53Yqw at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Time is wasted if you use it like a normal filter where you filter all the
water at the water source. This filter saves time if you filter as you use
the water.
What bladder were you using? I've only heard of leaks through the threads
when either the wrong type of bladder was used (usually Platypus) or when
the gasket fell out. I've hooked up a 1.5 liter bottle and squeezed as
hard as I could, and I'm a pretty big guy, and it didn't leak at all.
On Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 1:44 PM, branko grujcic <xo4xx at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I started my '12 thruhike with this system but sent it back from Big Bear.
> What bothered me more than weight over chemicals and cheapo leaking bottles
> was the time lost. It would take me about 15minutes per water intake to
> unpack, do the filtration and pack. That's more than an hour/day or 5 full
> days/thru hike. Filter also leaked non-expelled water over my stuff and, in
> my mind, the cross contamination was just the matter of time. I used
> Aquamira for the rest of the trail.
> Branko
> _______________________________________________
> Pct-L mailing list
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> All content is copyrighted by the respective authors.
> Reproduction is prohibited without express permission.
Message: 8
Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2013 16:32:39 -0800 (PST)
From: branko grujcic <xo4xx at yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [pct-l] Sawyer Squeeze water filtration system
To: Sir Mixalot <atetuna at gmail.com>
Cc: "pct-l at backcountry.net" <pct-l at backcountry.net>
<1357950759.74477.YahooMailNeo at web162403.mail.bf1.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Bladders were not leaking on connections, sorry, should elaborate- they got holes from being so flimsy, just from rolling them after use. I got used to bulletproof Platypus so i didn't expect them to be so fragile, nicked the 2l one the first day and then only had 1/2 liter one which took forever to filter with. I order 2 more packs of 3, just to use them as a backup bladders for long stretches, they ALL got holes.?
I would definitely use it on shorter hikes. I don't see myself use it "as i use water" for long period of time, though.
From: Sir Mixalot <atetuna at gmail.com>
To: branko grujcic <xo4xx at yahoo.com>
Cc: Andre Stock <andre_stock at web.de>; "pct-l at backcountry.net" <pct-l at backcountry.net>
Sent: Friday, January 11, 2013 3:09 PM
Subject: Re: [pct-l] Sawyer Squeeze water filtration system
Time is wasted if you use it like a normal filter where you filter all the water at the water source. ?This filter saves time if you filter as you use the water.
What bladder were you using? ?I've only heard of leaks through the threads when either the wrong type of bladder was used (usually Platypus) or when the gasket fell out. ?I've hooked up a 1.5 liter bottle and squeezed as hard as I could, and I'm a pretty big guy, and it didn't leak at all.
Message: 9
Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2013 17:39:32 -0800
From: Diane Soini of Santa Barbara Hikes <diane at santabarbarahikes.com>
Subject: Re: [pct-l] Pemmican
To: pct-l at backcountry.net
<A5C6EA0B-49F0-401E-8D83-AE62F23E9EE8 at santabarbarahikes.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=WINDOWS-1252; delsp=yes;
I made some beef heart jerky using a recipe on Mark's Daily Apple.
Here's the recipe:
"Heart, being nearly pure lean muscle, makes excellent jerky. Get a
half-frozen heart and carve as thinly as possible (freezing makes
accurate slices easier). For three pounds of heart, marinate slices
in a 1/2 cup red wine vinegar, 1 tablespoon cumin, 1 1/2 teaspoons
cayenne, 1 tablespoon salt, 2 teaspoons black pepper for at least
twelve hours. Let them dry on paper towels completely before drying.
Obviously, a food dehydrator works best but an oven set to its lowest
heat with the door ajar works, too. They?re ready when completely
dry. Everyone will enjoy it, and best of all, you won?t be lying by
calling it beef jerky."
One tip: cut any fat and membranes off. That stuff gets impossible to
chew. Also, I didn't dry the meat on paper towels. I just stuck it
right in the dehydrator. You could do the same recipe with any cut of
beef. And the measurements need not be exact. Heart has COQ10 in it
so it's extra good for you.
Heart doesn't seem to get crispy. It gets chewy.
On Jan 11, 2013, at 4:23 AM, pct-l-request at backcountry.net wrote:
> This sounds interesting/appealing - can you offer more details in
> terms of
> what you bought (cuts of meat - what cheap roasts - or does it
> matter); how
> your prep'd it (what spices, beyond the salt you mention); how you
> sliced
> it - by hand or on a lunchmeat slicer; what dehydrating
> temperature; and
> about keeping it fresh during the hike - any concerns at all, or no
> concerns
> etc.
> thanks - TheDuck
Message: 10
Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2013 20:32:29 -0700
From: "Paint Your Wagon" <n801yz at hotmail.com>
Subject: [pct-l] Tuna Helper's post regarding his 2012 record attempt
To: <Pct-L at backcountry.net>, <gary.minetti at gmail.com>,
<ryan.weidert at gmail.com>
Message-ID: <BAY172-DS2257664DBDAD3930A3D0E09B280 at phx.gbl>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
Thanks for posting Tuna Helper?s message to the PCT-L.
Tuna Helper,
Awesome effort bro!
I ran across one of your trail registry entries at a food/water cache just past Silverwood Lake, that stands out in my memory. I?ll never forget the contents of the cooler... moldy strawberries and a dozen hard boiled eggs, baked for who knows how many days by the southern Cali. sun. A woman hiking with her partner (their trail names escape me) downed one of those rancid eggs (so I?m told) and proceeded to toot her way north, off gassing epic stench- I?m talking PCT epic! But I digress.
Great job on your in depth journaling/blogging/etc., and providing it in a digital format for all to see.
Paint Your Wagon
(Paint- for short)
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End of Pct-L Digest, Vol 61, Issue 14
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