[pct-l] Foot Expansion

Diane Soini of Santa Barbara Hikes diane at santabarbarahikes.com
Fri Feb 1 09:23:16 CST 2013

Steel-Eye is right about everything he said about shoes. Have you  
ever read a single trail journal or book about hiking the PCT or AT  
where the author doesn't get horrible blisters and has to take a  
knife to their boots or throw them over a cliff? Okay, so there are a  
few who don't, but take Steel-Eye's advice. You can always buy  
smaller shoes if they are too big.

I can wear as small as a mens size 6.5 but since you can't ever find  
that size I tend to wear an 8 or 9 in models that are extra wide.  
8EEEE running shoes are nice, my 7D NB Minimus fit well. My Keens are  
size 8D and feel loose until I get going and then feel fine.

Thanks for all the shameless promotion. You can buy my books at Lulu  
Press. Please buy lots. I'm raising money for the Human Fund so I can  
go hiking and live off telling my stories. This here Internet gig  
doesn't pay too well.

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