[pct-l] Fuller Ridge

Dan Welch welchenergy at gmail.com
Wed Dec 25 20:21:03 CST 2013

A correction to my earlier post - The map I referred to as being from
PCTA.org is actually posted at the US Forest Service website.  It is simply
hyperlinked from PCTA.org.

Also the text at the San Bernardino National Forest website
(http://www.fs.usda.gov/recmain/sbnf/recreation) currently lists the PCT as
closed up to Strawberry Junction at Mile 183.  I am really confused...


-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Welch [mailto:welchenergy at gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 25, 2013 9:07 PM
To: 'PCT-L'
Subject: RE: [pct-l] Fuller Ridge

Hiker Jim - I was just reading the Mtsanjacinto.info forum and looked at the
map of the trail closure you posted.  Thanks for doing that.  The map you
posted is different than the one currently posted on pcta.org.  Theirs is
dated August 8th - so it is probably out-of-date.  

You said in your post that the map you posted was an updated version, but I
don't see a date and I don't know where to find the current closure
information. Can you (or anyone else) clarify that?  There is obviously some
conflicting information out there and I'd like to nail down the correct
current status.  

This is important because your map indicates the PCT can now be accessed
from the Devils Slide trail at mile 179.5.  That means the alternate trail
to Mt San Jacinto Peak is now accessible from the PCT.  The PCTA.org map
(and accompanying text) shows the PCT closure extending to Strawberry Jct.
at mile 183. That is well beyond the junction to the alternate trail and
makes that route much less practical.


<<  There's a forum worth monitoring:  Mtsanjacinto.info.  A couple of guys
are on that forum are locals that live in Idyllwild.   They can give pretty
good updates on Fuller Ridge.

HJ  >>

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