[pct-l] PCT Class of '13 Book

Roger Wolff roger.e.wolff at gmail.com
Mon Dec 2 11:53:08 CST 2013

PCT Class of ’13,

Want to help me create a PCT ’13 book? Hopefully you are all having fun
reminiscing while getting photos/videos to Red Beard for the class video.
So I thought now would be a good time to ask if you were interested in
going old school, and getting out your pen and paper and telling a story
about your trip.

Which story? You know the one. It’s the first story you think of when
someone asks about your hike. If you are Anish or Zen Master, perhaps it’s
the story about how you shattered the speed record of the PCT. Or if you
are EZ Rider, maybe it’s the time you put out a lightning strike forest
fire. For Spoons, it might be the time you decided to drop your pack after
a 42 mile day in order to run the last 50 miles of the Cascade Crest

But what if you aren’t a speed-hiking, fire-fighting, ultramarathoner? Then
tell me about the time you organized an 18-person night-hike with glow
sticks, or had a barbecue by a mountain lake, miles from the nearest road.
 Tell me about the time you hiked 20 miles the wrong way, or belly-crawled
to avoid getting blown off the ridge by hurricane-force winds.  Tell me the
time that you almost got run over in your sleep by jeeps speeding past your
head, or about when you almost got arrested for indecent exposure.

I’d like to put together a book with as many stories as I can get. Not only
from hikers, but from trail angels, or trail crew, or loved ones left at
home. The only stipulations are that it has to be about the PCT, and it has
to be about this year’s hike.  The book will be self-published.
Contributors will get free copies to share with their family and friends.
Other members of the class of 2013 will be able to buy it at cost.  The
book will also be sold online at Amazon.com, with a portion of the proceeds
being donated to the PCTA.

Most people I talked to on the trail thought this was a good idea. Most
people I talked to had a story they wanted to tell. Now it’s time to put
your pens where your mouths are.

Are you interested in contributing to this book?  Please let me know, along
with just a sentence or two about what you’d like to write about. For
example, here’s my story: I ran across two day hikers in the Sierras. After
a ten minute conversation, we discovered that they were my wife’s uncles,
whom she hadn’t seen or spoken to in over 25 years.

So, what’s your story?  e-mail me at roger.e.wolff at gmail.com

-Roger Dodger

ps. Please forward this request to anyone you know that you think might be
participating.  The list I have doesn’t even include half the PCT hikers,
let alone any trail angels or anyone else that might want to participate.

pps. Here is my trail journal if you are interested

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