[pct-l] Williamson attempting to regain unsupported PCT speed record NOW!

shon mcganty smcganty at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 22 10:00:36 CDT 2013

I have the same sentiment, regarding not using water cashes.  Going NOBO was no problem, but going SOBO in So.Ca was difficult.  Apache Springs was thick mud, I road walked into Lk. Hughes for water, and at Scissors Crossing I had to either hitchhike, knock on doors, or take from the water cache.  I took from the water cache, since all three have some degree of using others for assistance.  
by the way, I was looking for a trail journal by the hiker that hiked with Scott on their PCT speed record about 3 yrs ago, does anyone remember his name???  (not Tatoo Joe).

 From: Scott Bryce <sbryce at scottbryce.com>
To: pct-l at backcountry.net 
Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2013 7:11 AM
Subject: Re: [pct-l] Williamson attempting to regain unsupported PCT speed record NOW!

On 8/20/2013 8:14 PM, gary_schenk at verizon.net wrote:
> Why is this unsupported nonsense so important? I don't get it. If you
> drink out of caches and consume calories from trail magic, it's
> supported.

It is my understanding that Scott Williamson will not use water caches.
It is a matter of principle. He does not feel that they belong on the
trail, so he won't take water from them.

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