[pct-l] Starr's Guide to the JMT

Reinhold Metzger reinholdmetzger at cox.net
Tue Mar 27 03:56:49 CDT 2012

Hi guys,
I have the 1974 &  1934 Walter A. Starr, Jr.  "Guide to the John Muir 
Trail and the High Sierra Region."
I also have the Thomas Winnett  "Guide to the John Muir Trail" and the 
Eugene A. Rose "High Odyssey" the first solo winter assault of Mt. 
Whitney and the John Muir Trail.

JMT Reinhold
Tortoise wrote:
I still have two editions -- the 11th revised edition (1970) and the 
12th revised edition (date unknown) which I found waterlogged on the JMT,
Don Amundson  wrote:/
Well I'm not an old-timer on this list but I do remember the Starr book 
which I lost somewhere in my many moves. Mine was from around 1960. Now 
I'm tempted to get another copy. I see Amazon has it.
-------------------------------------------- //
Edward Anderson//wrote:
I still have this tattered old?guide book that I bought in 1953.
It is: "Guide //to the John Muir Trail and the High Sierra Region" by 
Walter A Starr, Jr. It was //first published in 1934, a year after 
Starr's death.?
Starr was lost while //climbing in the Minarets An extensive search 
His body was finally //found by Norman Clyde
My copy was published by the Sierra Club in 1953.
It //measures 5" x 7.5" x 3/8' thick? and weighs just over 5 ounces.
It is the only //guidebook I used during my early wanderings in the 
Sierra. //

Do any old-timers on this list remember this guidebook? /

/ MendoRider /

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