[pct-l] snowshoes and crampons San Jacinto Conditions

Karen Keller karen.kellerford at gmail.com
Fri Feb 24 16:42:07 CST 2012

In Idyllwild yesterday I had the privilege of meeting three hikers who had
just spent several days on the PCT in San Jacinto. They reported hip high
snow in places and extreme difficulty with route finding. These were all
experienced outdoors instructors who are very familiar with back country
conditions (one was an AT thru hiker). They were all very comfortable with
their maps and compass, but still spent hours trying to find
the buried PCT. They did not expect that much snow and did not bring snow
shoes or traction devices. They were forced to abort their hike early due
to the conditions. It is sunny and beautiful right now at 6000 feet. The
snow melts some everyday, but it is still cold at night. The higher
elevations have  a lot more snow than we have in town, and any daytime melt
off  freezes up during the night. I have personal experience on Fuller
Ridge without the gear that would have changed it from a nightmare to a
nice trip. I won't make that mistake again.

Special K

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