[pct-l] Speaking of campfires, Forester Pass

Diane Soini of Santa Barbara Hikes diane at santabarbarahikes.com
Thu Feb 16 19:59:53 CST 2012

I don't know who it is, but it's not just PCT hikers. I hiked out at  
Dusy Basin and there were a bunch of German Tourists well above the  
10000 ft line having a roaring campfire in the morning. There were  
signs posted everywhere. This was near those pretty lakes in Dusy  
Basin. Nobody gives a rip.

On Feb 16, 2012, at 10:00 AM, pct-l-request at backcountry.net wrote:

> Every year, when they move in to their summer stations, the rangers  
> have to go to the base of the major passes and remove campfire  
> rings where fires aren't allowed. (Above certain elevations in  
> different areas.)
> The rangers blame us, PCT hikers, for this. It probably is us.Why?  
> Because most others hikers don't enter the Sierra as early as we do.
> I'm sure some would say they HAD to have a fire so they wouldn't  
> DIE because it got soooo cold. Unless there was a major accident,  
> it's probably more that they weren't prepared for early season in  
> the mountains.
> Be prepared. Carry adequate insulation and stoves. Don't give them  
> an excuse to add more hassles, like eliminating the thru hike  
> permit and make us get our permit in person so they can educate us  
> about the rules (already done on some other trails) or close our  
> trail when it's not safe.
> AsABat
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