[pct-l] PCT FAQs

enyapjr at comcast.net enyapjr at comcast.net
Mon Feb 6 14:31:21 CST 2012

I'm sorry, Steel-Eye, but you seem to have gotten out of the wrong side (or end) of your sleeping bag this morning...

Part(s) of what you say can be true, but...
Do most folks know that when the linked "PCT FAQs" was first started that neither the PCTA nor USFS websites
had a 'resource' FAQ for people to quickly start their 'search' for relevant, more detailed PCT information?
...or that there were many pct-l 'regulars' that contributed to the mentioned "PCT FAQ" at that time? **

I'm fairly confident that you did not even glance at the FAQ sections I mentioned before launching into your diatribe,
but, rather, only saw "postholer" and then immediately saw 'red' and responded...
Perhaps that's my 'fault' for not using bitly to convert the URL - I apologize if simply seeing "postholer" upset you.

If one is wanting PCT 'info', check out <http://bit.ly/zd8KUA>...  The "PCT FAQ" isn't 'ALL BAD' - it is a resource...

Personally, since I posted it to the pct-l and mentioned what I updated, I take offense to your "self-serving of its
presenter" remark (after all, I 'presented' it within the pct-l posting)...  
Am I "self-serving" for doing so?  I'm only trying to be 'helpful' in pointing out a valuable PCT information resource...
Basically I only provide links to take people to websites with (hopefully) more detailed information...
If you were alluding to the home website, then you should have said so directly...  It is NOT my website, therefore I
do not have total control over what is 'provided' there...
If anything in the PCT FAQ has ONLY my name on it, most people can readily discern if someone 'else' has added
or altered something...  If one takes a look at the "Maps & Guides", <http://bit.ly/yRUfgV>, specifically starting 
under "Other Maps & Guides listing" down to the next to last item, there are only two notations that could be construed
as being 'opinionated' (Hiker Trash Haven maps being "somewhat outdated" & Halfmile's Google Earth PCT .kmz 
file being "more accurate than USFS") - both statements are more 'fact' than fiction if one actually takes a look at them.
BTW, if I left out any PCT 'map' or 'guide' source that is not now considered a "collectible" (such as Jardine's PCT 
Handbook), let me know and I'll add it to the FAQ list.  ;o)

** Even Greg "Strider" Hummel and Mountain Ned have items on the "PCT FAQ" - and many of us know how close and 
good friends they always have been with Postholer...  :-|     (sorry, the devil made me do that!)

I'm truly going to be "self-serving" now...  I'm going to go take a walk - ~4 miles over to, around, and back from
(ironically) a "local park"! - unfortunately it can't be on the PCT since I'm over 2100 miles away...  :-(  
The park will have to do for now!

Happy trails!!!
Jim (PITA) Payne

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